
Contaminated Sites

Watermark Environmental excels at identifying and managing environmental threats and their impacts on the environment. Our grasp on environmental remediation and ability to navigate the complexities of regulatory frameworks and permitting requirements affords our clients a sense of confidence in pursuing their environmental objectives.

Environmental Site Assessments

Watermark Environmental has Qualified Persons (QPs) capable of undertaking both Phase One ESAs and Phase Two ESAs for any manner of project.

We aim provide comprehensive environmental service to all our clients. In that regard, both during and following the end of these studies, our team is happy to provide ongoing technical support to assist our clients in the management of their environmental risks.

Phase One ESAs

Phase One ESAs identify the environmental condition of a site and relevant environmental risks. Current or historical potentially contaminating activities are identified through a rigorous documentation review. Studies can be prepared by our experience team for due-diligence purposes using Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards or according to Ontario Regulation (O.Reg.) 153/04 for the purposes of filing a Record of Site Condition (RSC).

Phase Two ESAs

Phase Two ESAs characterize the location, type, and extent of contamination on a property. Through specifically targeted intrusive field investigations, our team is able to provide a quantitative assessment of contaminated soil, sediment, groundwater, and surface water on a site. Our Phase Two ESAs can be prepared for due-diligence purposes using (CSA) standards or O.Reg. 153/04 for the purposes of filing a RSC.

Excess Soils

Our team also can assist with the planning and management of excess soils excavated during construction.

Excess Soil Management Plans

Contaminated Site Remediation and Management

If contamination is found on a property, Watermark Environmental has the capabilities to assist the client in identifying options to manage the contamination by providing a Remedial Options Analysis. The analysis takes into consideration both short and long-term goals for the site, the budget for remediation, and the potential liability and risk associated with the type and extent of contamination.

Our services include:

Long-term Groundwater Monitoring

Groundwater Modelling

Groundwater and Soil Remediation

Risk Assessments

Remedial Action Plans

Record of Site Condition